The aim of the project is to establish a new innovative social service — support service to promote independence of children and youth with disabilities by elaborating a set of methodological materials for provision of services and to disseminate information. Within the project children and youth with disabilities and their families will gain practical advice and skills, learn to promote self-care skills of children and youth with disabilities and how to promote their practical involvement in daily activities, to improve communication skills and develop maximum independence of children/youth with disabilities, thus reducing the social exclusion risk both to children and youth with disabilities and their families. Parents of children and youth will gain practical skills at family workshops. The project target group — children and youth with disabilities, as well as NGOs uniting children and youth with disabilities and their families.
Summary of project results
The main objective of Project is to develop and implement new and innovative social service – support service to promote the independent living of children and young persons with disabilities. During the implementation of project the Objective was reached completely by developing set of methodological materials for service delivery, testing the new social service and providing support service to 132 children and young persons with disabilities (initially support was planned to 120 children and young persons with disabilities). The target group of Project was children and young persons with Disabilities, as well non-governmental organizations supporting children and young persons with Disabilities and their families. The project was implemented in Latvia: Riga, Jūrmala, Sigulda, Lielvārde, Ogre, Jumprava, Jelgava, Salaspils, Dobele, Līvāni, Ludza, Balvi, Ventspils, Madona. The results of Project: 132 children and young persons with disabilities and their family members received practical advises, gain the practical skills and receive detailed activity programs how to promote the self-care skills of children/young persons with disabilities, involve them in meaningful daily activities, improve their communication skills and to develop greater independence of children/young persons with disabilities. Thus project contributed remarkably to promotion of active life position of children and young persons with disabilities, thereby reducing the risk of social exclusion of children and young persons with disabilities and family as a whole. In family workshops parents had opportunity to get practical skills to create themselves necessary support tools. Methodological framework of the project was developed in Riga, support services for children and young people with disabilities were provided in all planning regions.
Summary of bilateral results