Development and Implementation of Support Measures for Children in Jelgava and Ozolnieki Local Municipalitie

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association 'Zarins & Lejnieks'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 47,491
The project is carried out in:


Children with behavioral and learning disabilities don’t get a quality education and will not be able to compete in the labor market, exposing them to social exclusion in the future. The objectives of the project: To promote prosperity in Jelgava Local Municipality and Ozolnieki, providing innovative Support Package implementation to 5-11 year-old children from disadvantaged groups and their families to reduce social inequality and integration into society. The project will be implemented in 13 educational establishments. Activities: • 2 camps during the summer holidays, • 19 socially corrective excursions during the school year, • 6 Montessori toolkit purchase and use to develop students' ability, • Mobile support unit regularly work with 19 children groups, their teachers and parents; • 25 teachers get training about how to work with children with behavioral disorders. The project target group: 290 children, 130 families with risk of social exclusion and 25 teachers.

Summary of project results

Children with behavioural disorders and learning difficulties don't receive qualitative education and can't compete in the labour market, exposing themselves to social exclusion. The aim of the project: To favor the growth of welfare in Jelgava and Ozolnieki Local Municipalities, ensuring the implementation of a complex of innovative support activities for 5 - 11 year old children from social exclusion risk groups and their families in order to reduce social inequality and favor social integration. The project has been carried out in 12 educational establishments in Jelgava and Ozolnieki Local Municipalities. The activities of the project: •2 camps during summer break with relaxing healing activities for 50 children; •19 socially corrective and culturally educational excursions during school year, 306 children took part; •The purchase and application of Montessori toolkit for the development of the abilities of the children, 193 children have used the opportunity; •A regular work of the Mobile support unit with teachers of the classes/groups - 332 videos have been recorded and analysed; •Approbation of 12 methodologies for work with parents, organization of 90 parent afternoons, 134 parents took part; •26 trainings for teachers of the classes/groups for work with pupils with behavioural disorders; 19 teachers have apprehended the application of the Marte Meo technique in a classroom/group; 18 teachers have been introduced with the methodology of work for the development of senses and the acquisition of language and mathematics of the children. The project partners actively participated in the planning and the evaluation of the implementation of the project. During the project implementation phase 4 working group meetings took place, assisted by the managers of the project and the representatives of the partners. During the meetings, planning of the activities and the evaluation of the realized activities was carried out.

Summary of bilateral results