This association is the only youth organization in the Pāvilosta region. It has initiated this project in order to implement the association's objectives and set them at the national level in the youth field. The project aims to promote social integration of the youth in the Pāvilosta region whom are: at risk of social exclusion and poverty, improving their quality of life, their competitiveness in local society, in education and in labor market. The project focuses on foreign language training, computer skills improvement, career counseling and promoting volunteering. Through the project activities participants will gain motivation to operate more, they will be encouraged to be active, their self-esteem will raise and the number of young people who continue education after high school will increase. Moreover, they will be informed about future career opportunities, their English language and computer skills will be improved and they will spend quality leisure time. Our target group is youth of the Pāvilosta region.
Summary of project results
The main aim of the project was to support youth of Pavilosta region who are exposed to social exclusion and poverty, integration in local society. The aim was fully reached by increasing their quality of life, competitiveness in local society, in education and in labor market. The main sub aims of the project were: 1) to increase the knowledge and to develop skills of youth of Pavilosta region who are exposed to social exclusion and poverty. Therefore reducing the social exclusion and enhancing integration in local society by using creative and educational activities. 2) volunteering work popularization in youth society in Pavilosta region. 3) to provide high quality leisure activities to youth of Pavilosta region who are exposed to social exclusion and poverty. 4) educating and involving youth of Pavilosta region who exposed to social exclusion and poverty, into business activities and labor market. Target group: youth of Pavilosta region. This project was implemented in city of Pavilosta (most of the activities will take place in the premises of the association). The main activities were: foreign language training, computer skills improvement, career counseling, activities of volunteering work popularization, workshops (innovative handicrafts, cooking workshop and artistic activities), providing transportation and meals for project participants. Project duration was: 01.11.2013-30.09.2014 Total eligible costs of the project are: 18018.96 Eur The main results are related with youth education, social inclusion, self-confidence and initiative. Project has also opened more options for youth in Pavilosta region as well as has broaden their horizons that will give positive impact to their futures. Projects has also promoted NGO visibility and social participation that will ensure a more important role in local society.
Summary of bilateral results