98 % of Lithuanian prison population is placed in closed type prisons. As the long time spent in closed prisons determines difficulties of successful integration into society after release from prison the objective of the project is to strengthening practical re-socialisation of imprisoned persons. This will be achieved through establishing 4 new half-way house type correctional institutions (with capacity of 80 places in total) for inmates serving the last months of their sentences. The project's target group are persons serving custodial sentences for negligent, minor or less serious crimes (up to 7 years) who are clearly motivated to change their behaviour and adapt for the social life in freedom. Additional 32 staff members (social workers) will be employed for assisting of these inmates to find a job outside correctional institution, to start studying or participating in vocational training. This project will contribute to the reduction of inmates serving their sentences in closed prisons and providing for more possibilities to participate in social life outside prison.
Summary of project results
98 % of Lithuanian prison population is placed in closed type prisons. As the long time spent in closed prisons determines difficulties of successful integration into society after release from prison, the objective of this project was to increase number of inmates serving their sentences in open prisons and strengthening practical re-socialisation of imprisoned persons. This has been achieved through establishing and equipping of four new half-way house type correctional institutions (with capacity of 80 places in total) in Marijampolė, Alytus, Vilnius and Pravieniškės. Only inmates serving the last months of their sentences for negligent, minor or less serious crimes and being clearly motivated to change their behaviour and adapt for the social life in freedom can be transferred to half-way houses. In order to draw up individual correction plans and social rehabilitation plans for inmates, to assist the inmates to find a job outside correctional institution, to start studying or participating in vocational training, social workers (3-4 in each half-way house) have been employed. In addition, 16 guard officers (4 in each half-way house) were recruited to carry out supervision of inmates living in half-way houses. The project was implemented in partnership with Sandaker Halfway House. The partner from Norway provided consultations to the project promoter on the establishment and operation of open houses, hosted a two-day visit and a four-day internship for representatives of Lithuanian penitentiary staff and provided training to social workers of newly established half-way houses in Lithuania. The project contributed to the reduction of inmates serving their sentences in closed prisons and provided possibilities for inmates to participate in social life outside prison.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation with project partner Sandaker Halfway House and the knowledge gained about operation of halfway houses in Norway has contributed to an improved understanding of the project promoter of how the open houses should be established and managed in Lithuania. The partner from Norway provided consultations to the project promoter on the establishment and operation of open houses, hosted a two-day visit and a four-day internship for representatives from Lithuanian penitentiary staff and also provided training to social workers of newly established halfway houses in Lithuania.