Improved support to witnesses and crime victims during the court procedure including strengthening of security in court buildings

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Courts Administration
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,537,133
The project is carried out in:


Lithuanian courts face issues related to the system for ensuring security. Individual methodologies or systems for the work with witnesses and crime victims have not yet been developed. This project is aimed at strengthening assistance to witnesses and crime victims during court proceedings, including the increase of security in court buildings. Activities are oriented towards two directions – enhancement of psychological comfort and security during court proceedings and ensuring technical security in Lithuanian courts. To achieve these aims comprehensive efforts, such as sharing of best practices on the basis of international cooperation, publishing the methodological materials and creating information booklets are planned. Moreover a public virtual court room will be designed using modern information technologies. The project outcome is improved access to justice, vulnerable persons included. The donor partner is the Norwegian Courts Administration. The purpose of partnership is to transfer Norwegian experience in inter-administrative cooperation and to foster bilateral relations between Lithuanian and Norwegian courts administrations.

Summary of project results

Before project implementation Lithuanian courts faced issues related to the system for ensuring security. Individual methodologies or systems for the work with witnesses and crime victims needed to be developed. The project‘s activities were oriented towards two directions – enhancement of psychological comfort and security during court proceedings and ensuring technical security in Lithuanian courts. To achieve these aims comprehensive efforts, such as sharing of best practices on the basis of international cooperation, publishing the methodological materials and creating information booklets were planned. Moreover a public virtual courtroom was planned to design using modern information technologies. The project was successfully completed and all set goals reached, such as: 1. In courts security has been strengthened, security measures such us: 40 fences have been installed in courtrooms to separate persons standing trial, accused persons and convicts, 760 alarm buttons have been installed in courtrooms for the effective transmission of alarm signals to the police, 145 video surveillance cameras have been installed in court premises, partitions separating administrative and public spaces in court have been installed in 3 courts, 290 entry control systems installed, 18 courts provided with manual metal detectors, a safety analysis of Lithuanian courts has been made and publication of special methodological guidance for judges and court staff under the title „Safety Guide“ (1,000 copies) providing instructions on conduct in the event of an emergency been developed and published. 2. Increased psychological support for participants in judicial proceedings: sociological research made, the publication „Psychological Support and Protection of Victims and Witnesses in Judicial Proceedings developed (1,000 copies), 600 court staff members completed training on psychological support for victims and witnesses and on their protection during proceedings, a virtual courtroom has been produced attracting over 14,000 visitors annually, the practical-informational leaflet on giving testimony in court was produced (over 250,000 copies), the leaflets on child support in courts for parents and cooperating institutions has been produced (30,000 copies), training for court psychologists aimed at improving their professional competences and providing knowledge and skills were completed (15 persons trained), as well as Psychological support training for volunteers (60 persons trained).

Summary of bilateral results

Project partner shared their knowledge and experience, provided recommendations and practical advises by implementing activities related to implementation the system of working with witnesses and crime victims and developing a system of the surveillance and security of the perimeter and public space, as well as contributed to particular project activities. Project administrator was assigned, moreover experts take part in the following activities of the project: creation of a questionnaire on special needs of vulnerable groups, preparation of the feasibility study about the security principles realization in Lithuanian courts and creation of manual by sharing their knowledge, providing recommendations and practical aspects. Norwegian experience was transferred and bilateral relations between Lithuanian and Norwegian courts administrations was fostered by taking part in different project stages, activities and common events. Study visit of staff of NCA and Lithuanian judicial system to Norway was organised.