The youth (14-29 years) morbidity statistics and survey results show that Varena youth facing various health problems. So, it is necessary to introduce a youth-friendly health services (hereinafter - YFHCS) model. The aim of the project is to improve the accessibility and quality of YFHCS in Varena district municipality by implementing a YFHCS model in accordance with the needs of young people by: establishing and equipping public health bureau premises, which will carry out YFHCS coordination, case management, consultation functions; administrating the Youth Health Portal; adapting and applying 4 Algorithms (set of rules how to beghave in different situations solving problemas) in priority areas; developing inter-institutional cooperation and building capacity of key YFHCS providers in the municipality (health and other sectors); organizing youth health promoting trainings; applying information technologies for promoting YFHCS; establishing 9 publicly available free exercise machines in public space. With this project the YFHCS model should to reduce morbidity of young people with preventable diseases and introduce new YFHCS services that young people could use actively.
Summary of project results
The youth (14-29 years) morbidity statistics and survey results show that Varena youth facing various health problems. So, it is necessary to introduce a youth-friendly health services (hereinafter - YFHCS) model. The aim of the project was to improve the accessibility and quality of YFHCS in Varena district municipality by implementing a YFHCS model in accordance with the needs of young people by: establishing and equipping public health bureau premises, which will carry out YFHCS coordination, case management, consultation functions; administrating the Portal; adapting and applying 4 Algorithms in priority areas; developing inter-institutional cooperation and building capacity of key YFHCS providers in the municipality (health and other sectors); organizing youth health promoting trainings; applying information technologies for promoting YFHCS; establishing 9 publicly available free exercise machines in public space. With this project the YFHCS model should to reduce morbidity of young people with preventable diseases and introduce new YFHCS services that young people could use actively. All project activitiess were implemented, but the outcomes of the projects are not seen yet, because it needs time to measure the impact the project made.
Summary of bilateral results