The use of unconventional art therapy methods for the education quality improvement

Project facts

Project promoter:
Public Institution „Raidos kryptys“
Project Number:
Target groups
Staff from enterprises involved in teaching/education/training activities,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 66,905
The project is carried out in:


The application of art therapy methods and media forms in the educational process and prevention activities is an innovative solution that makes the process of education and prevention programs more attractive and acceptable for children and young people. These non-traditional methods can significantly influence students involvement in the educational process and positively affect students achievements. In addition, these methods are interesting and acceptable for most children and young people. The projects aim is to improve the quality of Lithuanian general education system and to develop education system staff competencies to use non-traditional methods in order to improve students’ achievements and at the same time seek to solve existing problems, ia. negative student behavior and the use of psychoactive substances. The projects objective is to develop the education system staff competencies to use non-traditional forms of art therapy and media forms in order to diversify the traditional education and organizing prevention activities. The projects target group is Lithuanian general education system workers, teachers and social workers. The project is initiated by the NGO Raidos kryptys. The applicant is a non-governmental organization with years of experience in adult education and also carrying out social projects. The project partner in Norway is Fusa Videregående which is an educational institution, carrying out practical trainings for educational institution workers. This institution intends to adapt and incorporate the latest and innovative teaching methods and tools.

Summary of project results

The project aim was to improve the quality of Lithuanian general education system and to develop education system staff competencies to use non-traditional methods in order to improve students’ achievements and at the same time seek to solve existing problems - negative student behavior and the use of psychoactive substances. Project objective was to develop the education system staff competencies to use non-traditional forms of art therapy and media forms in order to diversify the traditional education and organizing prevention activities. The project's target group was Lithuanian general education system workers - teachers and social workers. During the project implementation the methodological material about the application of the art therapy methods and media forms in the education system and the prevention children and youth misbehavior was prepared. The methodology was developed by using the best practices of Norway, where the art therapy methods and media forms are successfully developed in the process of education and prevention activities. Another project activities were preparation of employees of educational sector to organize the education and prevention by applying the art therapy methods and the media forms. There was organized a conference about education and training matter of education workers also.

Summary of bilateral results

Project partner was Fusa Upper secondary School, located in Norway. It is an educational institution that performs a practical training for education system workers in order to adapt and incorporate the latest and innovative teaching methods and tools into their work. While implementing the project, project partner transmitted the best Norwegian experience in the project area. While preparing the methodology, the Project partner gave remotely consultations (by e-mail Skype and other tools). Also 2 representatives from project partner institution came to Lithuania for the visit, where representatives of the project partner gave direct consultations to methodology organizers and shared the best practices of Norway in the project area and made recommendations for the successful implementation of the methodology in Lithuania.