While from 2007 till 2012 generally in Lithuania the number of families facing social risks was progressively decreasing, in Šiauliai region the tendencies where the opposite – there, the number of families facing social risks was constantly increasing and became higher that Lithuanian average, as shown in statistical data provided by the Šiauliai city child rights protection unit. The situation was especially bad in Šiauliai region. Statistical data, empirical data and scientific research shows that the socialisation level of children from families at social risks in Šiauliai region is insufficient. Bad habits are developing, the children's criminality is increasing, to the concern of young and younger kids, and there is a high rate of recidivism. The added value of the project is the development of the non-governmental sector the ability to work with the target group, the improvement of the infrastructure of the day care centre services provided in Šiauliai town and region, and the creation of a methodological instrument to work with the target group. This will also lead to the improvement of the qualification and professional skills of social workers.
Summary of project results
As the statistics of the Šiauliai city child rights protection unit from 2007 till 2012 the number of families facing social risks was constantly increasing and became higher that Lithuanian average. The situation was especially bad in Šiauliai region. Statistical data, empirical data and scientific research shows that the socialisation level of children from families at social risks in Šiauliai region was insufficient. During the implementation of the project one Child Day Care Center (hereinafter referred to as CDCC) was improved and two new CDCC were established in Šiauliai region. CDCC were provided with equipment for implementation of their activities and more than 135 children visited CDCC and spent there time. The model of integrated family empowerment services integreted was created and now is beiing implemented in all three CDCC‘a. The CDCC‘s improved and established during the project will continue their activities after the implementation not less that ten years. It is estimated that 105 children will attend the DCCs annually. Also, the project team seeked to improve the efficiency of services provided to the target group by designing and employing a new Family Empowerment Concept.
Summary of bilateral results