Establishment of a Support Centre for Child Victims of Sexual Abuse

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foster home for a child and mother 'Uzuoveja'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 734,325
The project is carried out in:


In Lithuania, there is no established integrated assistance (psychological, medical, legal, social) for children that suffer from sexual abuse or sexual exploitation. The objective of the project is therefore to establish a support centre for child victims of sexual abuse, which will provide the integrated services necessary to meet the needs of these children and their families in one place. A rehabilitation system will be created by implementing long-term and short-term measures for provision of social assistance to child victims of sexual abuse or exploitation and their families; coordinated interdepartmental cooperation will be ensured; qualitative child interrogation and medical examination will be carried out and specialized integrated assistance will be provided to the child and the family. The participation of the partner, the Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection, will allow for exchange of experience and expertise based on the Icelandic ‘Barnahus model” throughout the implementation of the project and contribute to sustainability of project results.

Summary of project results

Until the implementation of the project „Establishment of a Support Centre for Child Victims of Sexual Abuse“, in Lithuania, there was no established integrated assistance (psychological, medical, legal, social) for children that suffer from sexual abuse or sexual exploitation. During the implementation of the project a support centre for child victims of sexual abuse was established. The new center is already providing the integrated services necessary to meet the needs of these children and their families in one place. A rehabilitation system was created by implementing long-term and short-term measures for provision of social assistance to child victims of sexual abuse or exploitation and their families. From now on coordinated interdepartmental cooperation is ensured as well as qualitative child interrogation and medical examination is being carried out and specialized integrated assistance is being provided to the child and the family. With the help of the partner, the Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection, the training seminars for specialists with children suffering sexual abuse, were organized. After omplementation of this project not only the support centre for sexually abused children started to thrive successfully, but also the professional competences of the specialists such as municipal workers, medics, law enforcement specialists and psychologists, who work with sexually abused children, were improved.

Summary of bilateral results

During the project the partner consulted Project promoter in fields of services for sexually violated children, and organized trainings for Lithuanian specialists in its organization. The partner's experience in the field of services for sexually violated children was use in order to create and implement model of center for violated children in Lithuania. During the project best practice from Iceland was used in Lithuania, and Lithuanian specialists had the possibility to gain knowledge and know-how from partners experts.