Women’s help line – I live in order I may share

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Kaunas Women‘s Line
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Victims of trafficking
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 24,658
The project is carried out in:


The need for emotional support for women being victims of domestic violence or human trafficking in Kaunas region are 8 times greater than KWL may handle according to its capacity. These figures indicate the scale of the issue and significance of the emotional support KWL is providing to women in need. One of the key elements of the capacity available are the volunteers, who are intended to be increased in number and trained appropriately during this project. The project activities are dedicated to develop citizenship by encouraging women to involve in KWL activities and increasing women‘s awareness of human rights. KWL administrative capacity shall also be increased and funding sources diversified by adopting the fundraising strategy supplemented with action plan for the current and upcoming fiscal year. The project will result in 12 new volunteers recruited and trained as well as 20 already involved volunteers who will improve their qualification during the trainings. All the volunteers will help ensuring the quality of emotional support services and sufficient operational capacity for the next 2-3 years. Our target groups are volunteers, victims of DV and human trafficking.

Summary of project results

The long term practice and monitoring data indicate that the need for emotional support for women is increasingly high. Kaunas Women’s Line – one of the NGOs providing emotional and psychological support for women in need – receives 8 time more calls than it is able to handle. The majority of users of this kind of helpline are women in crisis, experiencing domestic or gender-based violence, or at risk of becoming a victim of human traffickers. That is why it is crucially important to provide help, support and advice on time and to the maximum extent possible. Nevertheless, the financial and institutional support received from municipal authorities are scarce and often delayed. Project was aimed at developing Women's Help Line administrative capacities, diversifying funding sources and developing network of volunteers. The project activities were dedicated to develop citizenship by encouraging women to involve in Women‘s Help Line activities, increase women‘s awareness of human rights, by developing NGO administrative capacities. Diversification of funding sources would be an overarching goal that would make service provision more sustainable. Project promoter has produced the following results: a) volunteering fostered: 8 new volunteers have finished training course and joined the organization. Their obligations and involvement in operation of Women‘s help line are confirmed for the next 2-3 years. 35 volunteers attended the qualification improvement seminars. 2 volunteers became supervisors and will share their knowledge with new volunteers. All these measures serve as preconditions to maintain and develop voluntary activities in he nearest future. b) Developed NGO capacities by enhancing cooperation between promoter and assocaiate partner. Additional funding was received from Ministry of Social Security and Labour in order to extend working hours of Women’s Help Line in 2016. Project promoter has hired a fundraising specialist who remained at the organization after the project completion. Project target group and beneficiaries: Women, people who call to Women‘s Help Line in order to get emotional support, new volunteers, volunteers and volunteers – supervisors.

Summary of bilateral results