Towards advocacy of Mental Health and Human Rights in Lithuania: the role of NGOs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Mental Health Perspectives
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 148,744
The project is carried out in:


Lithuania remains among states characterized by very poor public mental health indicators with preserved legacy of closed residential institutions, including large psychiatric hospitals. Paradox of Homes for infants with impaired development – the only form of care for infants deprived of parental care – illustrates inability of state to comprehend systemic human rights violations resulting from medicalised approach and use of closed institutions. Project aims to develop NGO advocacy and watchdog role and use it for break-through in human rights/child rights reform in mental health care. It shall be achieved through trainings provided for NGOs on watchdog and monitoring activities, and on legal advocacy including alternative reporting and strategic litigation (with at least one case brought to court). Advocacy campaign shall comprise legal analysis and consequent legislative recommendations, alternative Mental Health Strategy, monitoring reports on Deinstitutionalization, meetings with decision-makers, briefings with media, active social media campaign, discussions online and initiation of cross-sectoral partnerships for change.

Summary of project results

Lithuanian (mental) health care system and social care policy were still based on generic and outdated institutional and medical models. Community care services have not yet been adequately developed, nor has an effective human rights monitoring mechanism been put in place. NGO’s working towards improving this situation lack advocacy skills and resources, which would otherwise enable them to contribute substantially towards shaping political decisions in this field. It was crucial to empower NGO's to achieve the above outlined goal as the decision makers often tended to miss for more personalized, outcome focused alternatives, and preventative rather than reactive practices. The aim of the project was to contribute towards the development of the civil society and improvement of fair social justice system in Lithuania by promoting reforms in the area of mental health. Activities completed and results achieved: Advocacy capacity building for NGOs: organized 2 trainings on advocacy and strategic litigation, some participants have joined two coalitions (Coalition for Child Rights in Lithuania and Coalition “Mental Health 2030”) and actively participated in their activities. They also involved in other activities: meetings with decision makers, participation in events aiming to introduce mental health system problems, preparation of advocacy papers, participation in final conference. Evidence-based data collection for advocacy campaign: conducted research “Access to Justice for Children with Mental Disabilities in Administrative, Civil and Criminal Domains in Lithuania”, prepared “Alternative Mental Health Strategy Action Plan”, independent monitoring of the deinstitutionalization process in Lithuania (3 reports), prepared 5 case analysis, continuous monitoring of 40 international or networking organizations and participation in their organized events. Advocacy campaign: advocacy activities implemented according to 6 advocacy plans. Additionally advocacy initiatives for media were implemented – presentations in 5 media trainings, 5 journalists consulted, one meeting with bloggers organized, reports submitted to the Ethics Commission for Journalists and Publishers. Alternative sources of support created to sustain the advocacy activities: organization’s mission and vision was revised, strategic activities were determined during 3 workshops. Fundraising plan was prepared and an internet platform for trainings was launched.

Summary of bilateral results