There are less people who are willing to engage in activities solving problems. It is recognized that there is a lack of independent monitoring and comment of public policy on purpose to provide society with impartial information on violations of human rights and civil process. The project is aimed at ensuring civil and political rights by fostering conscious, active participation of citizens in public life of the state. Our objectives are tools of monitoring and comment of public policy and civil dialogue developed on purpose to involve civil society in the processes of policy making and decision making. Secondly, civic awareness of local communities fostered and empowered through open discussions and initiatives of active citizenship. The project will result in enhanced NGO involvement into partnership with local and national authorities through developed tools of civil dialogue and increased number of citizens participated in NGOs’ activities. Our target groups are local communities, NGOs, non-formal initiative groups and especially youth under the age of 29.
Summary of project results
Research on civic empowerment in Lithuania periodically implemented by Civil Society Institute revealed that civic activeness was stagnating or even declining during the several recent years. Less and less people were willing to engage in civic activities or develop participatory democracy. Low engagement of civil society into policy and decision making does not foster accountability and transparency of state institutions as well as does not help making decisions favorable to the society at large. The aim of the Project was to ensure civil and political rights by fostering conscious, active participation of citizens in public life of the state. Project promoter sought to develop tools of monitoring and comment of public policy and civil dialogue to involve civil society in of policy and decision making process as well as tried fostering civic awareness of local communities through open discussions and initiatives of active citizenship. Key results achieved during the project 1) Public life monitoring and analysis of political processes. Political processes were monitored and analyzed, contacts with government institutions and media were upheld, Lithuanian society was being informed on important issues and topics. Various researches (2015 Civic Empowerment Index, research on attitudes towards immigrants and others) were carried out and presented to the public. 4 recommendations on legislation improvement were prepared and presented to governmental institutions. A public consultation on direct election of elders at local self-governance level was organized. 2) CIVITAS discussion clubs. A network of local communities gathering together to discuss different public issues was maintained. The goal of this activity was to expand the space of open discussions in the Lithuanian regions, strengthen civic dialogue and enhance democratic values. 99 public discussion were organized in different Lithuanian towns. 3) Public action “White Gloves”. Before and during the 2015 municipal elections, a public action “White Gloves” was organized in all Lithuanian municipalities. Based on more than 1000 volunteers, “White Gloves” monitored the electoral campaign and the elections themselves, acting as an independent watchdog and informing the authorities in charge of the electoral law violations. After the elections a report on observed violations and recommendations on implementation of transparent elections were presented to the authorities and the public.
Summary of bilateral results