Better for all: work with violent men in a domestic environment – help for women and children, who are victims of violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kaunas district Men's Crisis Center
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 33,513
The project is carried out in:


Following the statistics in Lithuania, 96% of all perpetrators of domestic violence are men. Despite that, there is no comprehensive aid mechanism developed in the country while work with male offenders of domestic environment is carried out mainly by NGOs and only in several regions. State probation offices significantly lack capacity while men’s crisis centers are established in 5 Lithuanian cities only. Project aims at strengthening NGOs working with men as perpetrators of domestic violence and establishment of coalition for close cooperation and exchange of experience among such organizations. This will be achieved by gathering and formalizing the coalition, improving methodology and quality of services provided and conducting trainings for professionals working with male offenders of domestic environment. A survey of the latter professionals, including those working at municipalities, will be carried out in order to reveal their opinion and attitude towards the issue of male offenders of domestic environment. Beneficiaries: male offenders of domestic environment, men’s crises centres. Target groups: municipalities, society.

Summary of project results

Lithuania stands out in the EU context with poor indicators in the areas of domestic violence, alcohol consumption and suicide. Moreover, these indicators are even worse for men, than women. This may be a consequence of various different factors of socioeconomic environment, however little efforts taken by state authorities are effective or sufficient. In addition to that, NGOs working with domestic violence from men’s perspective are also weak, underfunded, lack professionalism and mostly relying on individual efforts rather than on systematic approach. Project promoter responded to these issues by developing a project that would aim at strengthening NGOs providing social services to perpetrators of domestic violence (males), thus increasing support for victims of DV and raising awareness of DV issues from different perspective. A number of tasks and activities were completed to achieve the abovementioned goal: a) project promoter has advertised volunteering opportunities at the organization and attracted 13 long-term volunteers to support its mission; b) two awareness raising campaigns targeting issues of DV and alcoholism implemented; c) a coalition of NGOs working with men as DV perpetrators established, several resolutions prepared and sent to parliament, ministries and relevant authorities; d) 4 NGOs improved their expertise on working with men as DV perpetrators and conducted 10 public consultations across the country (total attendance – 177 persons from NGOs, state and municipal authorities); e) services under the programme of changing violent behavior expanded geographically to 4 other cities in addition to Kaunas: services are now accessible in Šiauliai, Utena, Marijampolė, Raseiniai. f) 57 individuals received consultations and/or participated in group seminars programme of changing violent behavior; g) representatives of 10 municipalities participated in public consultations and informational meetings as well as demonstrated their interest in NGO activities and expressed willingness to cooperate. An establishment of a network of NGOs, capacity building and advocacy measures undertaken indicate the potential of development of social services needed to improve the situation with domestic violence, however the key challenge of fundraising for such activities remains.

Summary of bilateral results