Towards the Nordic Model of Social Dialogue

Project facts

Project promoter:
Estonian Seamen's Independent Union (ESIU)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 15,022
The project is carried out in:

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The main objective of the project is to promote social partnership and dialogue as key for the sustainable development of working conditions in Estonian ports. For this reason the projecct will organize two training seminars in Tallinn, in which the working languages will be Russian and English, and one seminar in Norway, in English. The combination of information about social partners and dialogue in Norwegian ports and work site visits will help Estonian port workers and union representatives to see and learn best practices. An understanding of social dialogue helps union members and staff to enhance employers' investment in safe and secure workplaces, training and motivation of their workers. Constructive partnership helps achieve collective bargaining agreements that secure the improvement of working conditions. For the project the Norwegian partner is Norwegian Transport Workers' Union (NTF).

Summary of project results

In 2012, port-workers in Estonia were struggling to be involved in dialogue with their employers - private stevedore companies in Tallinn, Muuga and Paldiski. A culture of fear was combined with a low understanding of the role of trade unions and workers’ rights to collective bargaining. The project aimed at increasing the workers participation on enterprise level and enhancing opportunities to have influence on the working terms and conditions. The main project’s outputs are: -Three seminars were organized for 16 activists. They were included into the committee recruiting and organizing new union members, in targeted companies. -One study visit was organized to Kristiansand, Norway -A workbook in Russian language for introducing social dialogue practices in Norway, was produced in 200 copies -106 new members joined network of port workers. -No collective agreement was signed by the end of 2014, but three collective agreements were developed in consultations with union members and these 3 agreements formed the basis for negotiations in 2015-2016. Project results have contributed to the increased union membership and activity in port sector. The workers have gained confidence and with the support of the trade union have better understood the value of the social dialogue practices. Hopelessness and fear are slowly replaced by the interest to learn, speak out the problems and hope to achieve dignity and respect at work, safe working environment and decent pay.

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation with the Nordic Transport Workers’ Federation was very sucessful. The Norwegian partner has transferred its experience and knowledge on the main principles of Nordic model of social dialogue.It helped Estonian workers' leaders to better understand the vision of safe and secure workplace that can be achieved in a partnership and dialogue.