Strenghtening of Regional Tripartite Councils in Lithuania

Project facts

Project promoter:
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 68,217
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project is needed because there is a lack of consensus in labour market in Lithuania. The current problem is the absence and/or lack of Regional Tripartite Councils in some of the Lithuanian regions. The objective is to strengthen the social dialogue between employers, employees and public authorities in Lithuania. The project is expected to improve social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices. It will be indicated by the increase in number of tripartite dialogue meetings in the regions and a variety of labour related problems increasingly being discussed. During the project new Regional Tripartite Councils will be established; employers, employees and Government bodies will be encouraged for dialogue and new cooperation treaties will be signed. The employees and employers are expected to benefit from this project.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to strengthen regional tripartite social dialogue in Lithuania. Social dialogue in Lithuania used to be weak and ineffective and, in particular, the regions were little involved. The outputs of the project includes the establishment of two new regional tripartite councils. The outcomes of the project include improved social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices. During implementation ten meetings and national conferences gathered together representatives of social partners and allowed them to discuss problems and issues that affects social dialogue at national and regional level in Lithuania. Regional social partners were encouraged to be involved in national social dialogue in a more effective way. Additional outputs from the projects include the signature of 11 collaboration treaties between social partners and training of more than 80 employees on participation in company management. The beneficiaries of the project participated in meetings and conferences as well as in workshops organised within enterprises.

Summary of bilateral results