Enhancing Social Dialogue at Various Levels

Project facts

Project promoter:
Democratic league of Independent Trade Unions (LIGA Trade Unions)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 157,703
The project is carried out in:

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The project aim is to strengthen dialogue and offer training for representatives of trade unions and employers, in order for the dialogue to have greater impact at the various level and to disseminate the culture of social dialogue in Hungary. The project expects to improve social dialogue at national and sectorial level by initiating joint events and fostering cooperation and the establishment of a network and improved communication between partners. The main activities of the project are the organisation of joint trainings for social partners, the establishment of networks and information points for employees, studies on Hungary and analyses of Norwegian experiences. Beneficiaries are employers and employees participating at national level social dialogue in Hungary, as well as social partners in the energy sector. The project partners are LO Norway and the Electrician and IT Workers’ Union. Other participants are eight Hungarian trade unions and an employer’s organisation at national level or in the electricity sector. In the framework of the partnership, the promoter can consult with Norwegian partners, adapt good practices and apply these to Hungary.

Summary of project results

Following the government change in 2010 the role of multipartite social consultation gradually began to increase instead of tripartite social dialogue. Since the cessation of the OÉT (National Reconciliation Council) national level tripartite social dialogue has seemingly disappeared with it. The amendments of the Act on Strike also had a vastly negative influence on the industrial relations system in Hungary as these changes in regulations seem to rather hinder the organization of strikes in general than to promote their successful use. The government terminated the National Interest Reconciliation Council, and set up a macro-level forum in the private sector (VKF). The aim of the project promoter was to enhance social dialogue with better use of the existing forum and to strengthen the background of expertise of the participating organizations. Therefore the promoter made studies on the Hungarian situation at national and local level and analysed Norwegian experiences. It also organized trainings for representatives of trade unions and employers to have greater impact at the various levels and promoted a culture of social dialogue in Hungary. The project results were an improved social dialogue at the national and sectorial level and improved communication between partners, including a sound cooperation with employers. The project was to deliver at three levels. First, on the national level: by studies and conferences on the possibilities of extending the national consultation (learning the Norwegian experiences was an important element in both) and by creating an information network among the partners. Second, at the sectoral level: by making the energy sector the focal point of the study and by creating information points and by organising a series of training courses. Third, at the local level joint seminars for representatives of employers and employees were organised. In spite of the worsening conditions the project strengthened the partnership relations among trade unions at national, sectoral and local levels and rebuilt and strengthened the dialogue and cooperation. In the selected energy sector (trade unions in the electric energy, water, gas, oil and mining sectors participated in the project) it was a success story, but the project also contributed to develop new strategies for the rival trade unions at national level.

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner has been involved in training and information for employees and employers in Hungary.The contribution of a competent Norwegian organization led to broadening the themes and the scope of social dialogue. It also helped to promote the national transposition of European issues in a new legal, economic and political environment by using the Norwegian experiences and improving the national cooperation.