The aim of this project is to educate officials in small hospitals that are part of the Association of Hospitals of Slovakia. The benefit of the project is the improvement of social dialogue between social partners for the purpose of negotiating a "good" collective bargain in the hospitals that is in favor of their employees. This is based on the need of the SOZZASS to provide perspective and knowledgeable officials who are able to bargain collectively, not only at the basic trade union organisation level but also at the SOZZASS level. The results of this project can be considered a benefit for the sector, which is very important in shaping society. The healthcare in Slovakia is in a fluctuating and mostly unsatisfactory condition. One main reason is the lack of communication between competent authorities which often fail to bring acceptable contracts that may improve the quality of the working environment and working conditions. The training of our members in the areas of communications, law and other relevant topics will raise the level of social dialogue.
Summary of project results
The objective of the project was to improve the social dialogue between the social partners for negotiating a good collective agreement for the benefit of employees in the hospitals. In addition, the project was seeking for increasing the representation of young people from the association and improving their skills in negotiating with other social partners. The project outputs are: •2 conferences and round tables on importance of collective bargaining relationship between the employer and the employee, the trade union organization position in collective bargaining; Occupational health and safety at work and its application in Slovakia, legislation on occupational health and safety, including the law on labor inspection, occupational accidents, serious accidents at work and occupational diseases. •8 training seminars on collective bargaining and relevant legislation (the Act on Collective Bargaining) •One online education training on legislative changes and requirements of the officials and members of the basic trade union organizations - 500 participants trained online. •A Methodical reference book developed The project’s results have contributed to improve the cooperation between institutions that have an impact on collective bargaining in social services and also to spread the collective bargaining issues among the non-trade unionists. The project had also major role to the Slovak trade union officials from social service facilities in ensuring an easy access to information about education and guidance in social dialogue. The project results’ sustainability will be ensured through the continued online education over the next five years.
Summary of bilateral results