Bipartite Dialogue for Workers on Decent Work

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Foreign migrant workers
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 35,865
The project is carried out in:

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The Europe 2020 strategy stresses the contribution of workers free movement and mobility to the EU economy, also in Cyprus. The project supports this, demonstrating the positive and concrete contribution that free movement and mobility can provide to the European economy, while maintaining the need to consider migrants as human beings. The objective of the project is to establish and support a proactive social dialogue and effective communication channel between employers’ and workers’ organizations in Cyprus. The project’s completion will lead to results that include the recovering of a correct balance between the right to free movement of workers and the protection of social standards, a decrease in social dumping, wage competition and other forms of discrimination, and the advocacy of a right-based and equal treatment-oriented approach to social dialogue at European and national level. The project activities include conducting a research study and reporting on the current situation. Workshops and meetings will be organized in order to set up proactive social dialogue mechanisms. The publicity and viability of the project will be ensured.

Summary of project results

The project objectives were to establish and support proactive social dialogue on workers mobility/migration as well as a regular and effective communication between employers' and workers' organizations in Cyprus. The project outputs are: 5 bi-partite dialogue mechanisms set for effective communication channels between employers and workers organizations in Cyprus. Cooperative actions by social partners were identified on critical issues concerning EU migrant workers were facilitated in order to improve mutual understanding and improve awareness for tackling mobility/migration issues and for supporting mobile/migrants. One research report on bi-partite situation at sector and company level in Cyprus was published 6 trade unions and employers' associations were involved More than 100 employees participated in the project. The project has also contributed to improve the collection of data to monitor EU migrants’ workers and to the enhanced knowledge, awareness and capacity building on mobility/migration and integration services and facilities.

Summary of bilateral results