WaterScope: a New Microbiological Measurement Device and its Green Applications

Project facts

Project promoter:
Knot Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 393,434
The project is carried out in:


As a base of healthy societies it is essential to protect drinking water resources by protecting and monitoring of the quality of surface-water and groundwater. The aim of this project is to improve a reliable and cost effective biological monitoring tool called WaterScope. WaterScope represents a new approach in the field of water monitoring using a volumetric analysis method. WaterScope provides images of the microorganisms and algae in the water and automatically counts and classifies them. WaterScope offers time and cost efficient solution for various applications including industry, fish farms, drinking water supply companies etc. This unique water monitoring technology ensures real time water quality information thus enables immediate intervention in case of any risk. The microbiological testing used nowadays has results only more days after the sampling so the companies use chemicals regularly according to the requirements laid down in different rules and not according to the real conditions of the water. This facility is the main reason why this tool could be used very well in water companies as well. This technology makes it possible to have more healthy and clear tap-water using chemicals and disinfecting agents only if it is really necessary. In this project WaterScope is developed continuously by water professionals and tested in a water company (project partner) and in ballast water of ships (Norwegian partner). Besides the microbiological researches the project includes significant IT development too.

Summary of project results

Protection and monitoring the quality of surface and ground waters is becoming more and more important nowadays. Besides requirements of sustainability, it is very important to protect drinking water resources as a base of healthy societies and national wealth. The project developed, 3D laser detection based, WaterScope tool is able to increase operational and water safety, supports a more efficient water management and reduces costs of analyzes. This innovated device detects, counts and classifies waterborne microorganisms (e.g nematodes, algae) in flowing water samples. Samples of surface (even from fishing farms) and sub surface water, water from drainage system, tap water or industrial ones can also be measured. The innovative measuring way is much faster than a traditional light microscope and can provide more information after processing the individual pictures, with no preparation. The Norwegian partner is providing a pilot site for detecting algaes from industrial water.

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner is providing a pilot site for detecting algaes from industrial water. The Donor Partner tested a pilot device during the implementation period.