Mobility Projects in Other Educational Institutions and Education Related Institutions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for Public Health and Young Addict Care and Employment of the Baranya County Administration
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 7,359
The project is carried out in:


The INDIT Public Foundation with its integrated therapeutic system provides social and health care services to addicts. The Foundations professionals are facing the problem of increasing number of dual diagnosed clients (personality disorder and addiction) and have found that the Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT), hardly used in Hungary, can offer solution for this target group. The Foundations partners, the professionals of the Bergen Clinics Foundation, with their 25 years of experience in addiction treatment, introduced the MBT in the inpatient care in Norway and they are providing the educational background for it. The Foundations team, during the initial five-day long job shadowing, can study the work of the Norwegian MBT team and learn about their complex treatment service and their quality control model. This mobility will help to improve the Foundations knowledge in the field of treatment of addicted clients, to get to know new good practices and to exchange ideas about the different treatment services. Following the job shadowing, two highly educated professionals are going to visit the Foundation from Bergen for a two-day long conference on MBT for Hungarian professionals. On the first day lectures and workshops, on the second a whole-day-long open MBT supervision will help to improve the Foundations theoretical and practical knowledge. The Foundation would like to spread the MBT approach in Hungary not just by the above described conference programs, but by articles and on the Foundations website as well.

Summary of project results

Our most important aim, referring to our project, was to learn about „good practices” and exchange professional experiences in the field of addiction treatment. The Bergen Clinics Foundation (BCF) has more than 25 years of experiences in this field, e.g. about detoxification and stabilization, rehabilitation, follow up methods, scientific researches, quality monitoring system, cognitive behaviour therapy, motivational interviewing and mentalization based treatment (MBT). Besides to learn about these good methods, our aim was also to strengthen our MBT team in Hungary: to exchange experiences about this quite new treatment method in the addiction field and to spread both the theoretical and practical part of the method in Hungary. The MBT team of the INDIT Public Foundation is in continuous contact with the BCF for a year (Skype supervisions on MBT), so to strengthen this partnership was also important. To reach our aims we organized a conference on addiction and MBT in Pécs,Hungary where both our Norwegian partners, Kari Lossius and Nina Arefjord from BCF and our MBT team held lectures, workshops and an „open supervision”. During the two days of the conference more than 90 professionals – psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers – participated in the event. In Norway, our Hungarian MBT Team has visited every parts of the BCF (department of detoxification, ambulant treatment centre, rehabilitation centre, youth department, MBT team, and department of quality monitoring and research). The Norwegian colleagues held us interactive lectures, workshops and MBT supervision. We have got a really good professional overview about their whole system. The main beneficiaries are: - more than 90 Hungarian professionals got experience about a quite new treatment method (MBT) in Hungary - our MBT team could learn from our Norwegian partners (especially from MBT professionals) e.g. from supervision, lectures, open discussions in Bergen - we could look into a very effective and famous treatment system and get new perspectives for our everyday work (e.g. client centred attitude; quality monitoring) - we could discuss and figure out further cooperation possibilities with the BCF and with the representative/supervisor of the Anna Freud Centre (London), Mr. Anthony Bateman, one of the „founder father of MBT”.

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation between the two institutions – BCF and INDIT Public Foundation – had antecedents (e.g. MBT pilot project in Hungary; MBT Skype supervision), so, from the beginning, it was an important aim for both partners to strengthen this partnership. This mobility project was a great opportunity to reach this aim. The conference that we’ve figured out together with Kari Lossius and Nina Arefjord, and the lectures, workshops, supervisions we held together was a great possibility to learn from each other, about technical and theoretical parts of MBT method. In Norway, we could share experiences – institutions, difficulties, problems, successes, methods, MBT, treatment of addiction - with more professionals, that was really useful for both parties. With the support and help of the BCF we could participate in an MBT supervision held by Anthony Bateman – one of the „founder father of MBT” from the Anna Freud Centre, London. We could discuss with him our plans and aims on MBT in Hungary, and we’ve got his support for it. In the near future we will write an article about our experiences into the journal of Pszichoterápia. During the whole time of the project we were on the way to find out further cooperation possibilities for the future. We’ve ended up with the followings: 1. We would like to organize together an international conference on MBT and addiction in Hungary. 2. We would like to organize together an MBT training for professionals in Hungary.