Mobility Projects in Higher Education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Szent István University
Project Number:
Target groups
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training,
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 90,800
The project is carried out in:


The main objective of our application is to share and gain knowledge through mobilities from and to the donor countries and benefit mutually, by innovative teaching methods, or by curriculum harmonization and a possibility of joint master program in a close future. After the first application of SZIU within the EEA, Norway grants two more agreements were signed with the donor region, one with Reykjavik University-Iceland, School of Energy thus we would like to extend the mobilities and target fields also to Iceland. Within this frame student exchange study programme and participation on congress/seminars are planned. Another MOU was signed with UIT The Arctic University of Norway, with plant protection focus.

Summary of project results

The EEA Scholarship Programme provided possibility to our students, teachers and staff to acquire new skills and gain international experience in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. With the support of EEA project Szent István University has achieved a number of positive effects and achievements at organizational and personnel level. - number and quality of our international relations are constantly increasing, together with the university’s visibility and recognition, - due to the staff mobility, we strengthen our relationships at higher levels of scientific cooperation, - the participants of the program acquired skills at courses which are not available in Hungary, increasing their intercultural sensitivity, - the acquisition of intercultural knowledge increases the mutual understanding and tolerance, - participants were able to build a network of contacts that they could use well in their daily work, Szent István University always intended to increase the mobility activity in relation with EEA countries. However due to the reason that the EEA countries are relatively higher cost countries we could not realize too many student and staff exchanges so far, as the Erasmus scholarship could not provide enough resources. With the help of EEA Scholarship Programme higher support could be given to the participants and a greater ratio of our students and staff members could benefit from visiting the donor states universities, research institutes or companies realizing cooperations with them. With the support of EEA scholarship we could realize 100 student and staff exchanges. Our students could study in Norwegian universities, widen their knowledge at Liechtenstein winter school and get experience and lifelong impressions at practical placements like at the hightech NIBIO Reseach Institute in Norway or at country farms. Within the University there was a great echo of the successful EEA program. Many university workers have been given the opportunity to study and get international experience who have never participated in similar programs. Through the EEA project, 78 people of our teaching and administrative staff were able to participate at different courses organized by Intercultural Iceland trainer company. The courses focused on correct handling of stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination and integration issues.Through interactive workshops, they could learn well-structured and creative collaborative and learning methods to improve their communication skills.

Summary of bilateral results

Through the EEA project we established connection with Liechtenstein University in Vaduz. With Erasmus scholarship our students could not be supported to participate at summer or winter schools until now, but the EEA project made it available. This way seven students could participate on a winter school at Vaduz in February, 2017. Now we are in negotiations with Liechtenstein University to make an agreement for future collaboration. Regarding student practical placement our best cooperative partner was NIBIO research company in Norway, which carries out research in agricultural and environmental protection. In December 2016, one of our former university student, who works for NIBIO at present, contacted us and offered opportunity to apply for practical placements at NIBIO. After the selection process, four students have been able to travel for 1.5-3 months with EEA scholarships in 2017 and gain experience at a hightech Norwegian research institute. Concerning staff and teacher mobility we established a very good connection with an education related enterprize in Iceland, named Intercultural Iceland. This is a nonprofit oriented trainer company which organizes educational courses. Three groups from our university staff took part in the „Diverse Society- Diverse Classroom” training course. The main focus of the training was active learning through the application of creative, cooperative learning techniques. The participants developed complex concrete material in their subjects where they train the learners social and intercultural competences. Additionally innovative, diverse assessment methods were explored as well. Another important course was the „Sensitisation training with reference to migration, racism, discrimination, culture and diversity with strategies for teaching these issues to diverse age groups”. The educational organisations requires their staff to be aware and sensitive in relation to stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and inclusion and to know how to deal with those issues with their students, how to create a trusting and safe learning environment. There was a good opportunity for our teachers to strenghten their knowledge at the training course of „Assessment for learning - Creative and diverse assessment methods for education in the 21st century”. Participants were trained how to use the assessment for learning and had a chance to examine some of the more flexible technological applications for assessment.