Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) as project jointly with Narvik University College (NUC) are to develop and harmonize teaching materials and internet-based laboratory measurements. To achieve this the development and synchronization of educational methology is necessary, which contains the survey and comparison of the already existing materials, overview and development of educational methodology and tools and purchase of equipment. These altogether make an opportunity to harmonize trainings and to accept the credit gained in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Renewable Energy and Integrated Building Engineering.NUC will be responsible for the development of a modern educational structure and training materials– together with BME – that fit both Norwegian and Hungarian systems. Third party of the consortium is from the industry and its international recognition and experience ensures that the developed educational materials and internet-based measurements take into consideration present and future industrial demands. Important task of the industrial partner is to create a sample project collection and to work out in details one sample project. Beside building energy and its remote control system the sample project collection must include building lighting, color measurement of computer systems, robotics and biomechatronics. During implementation of the project, harmonization of the educational materials is one task but the sharing of the laboratory measurements and the joint – remote - usage of laboratories are more important and complex. Solution for this is to work out and widen internet-based virtual measurements on the basis of experiments coming from the internet-based measurements already used in both institutions. In case of internet-based measurements the key question is the sharing and synchronizing of the measurement tools and its defence from outside attacks.
Summary of project results
The need for internet-based online measurements emerged both from the side of students and higher education institutes. The prospect of conducting measurements outside of the limitations of timetables can provide students with an opportunity to use their creativity and programming skills, without the need to be physically present near the measurement equipment. Creating internet-based laboratory measurements which can be reached from home is truly advantageous, especially if the object to be measured is large, or if there is only one of it in the possession of the education institute. An example could be a built-in robotic arm manipulator, or a carefully constructed measurement setup that should not be disturbed, or an electric motor where being in its proximity or touching the moving parts could be hazardous. The implementation of the concept requires up-to-date equipment, e-laboratory measurements that are available online, and an education support software system which ensures the online login of students, contains the e-learning materials, provides help with making the measurement reports and can also store them. The BME MOGI Department and the AUN aspired to bring this new, modern educational method into the education of mechanical engineers studying in their BSc and MSc programmes. As of now, there are 16 e-laboratories in our curriculum as parts of separate laboratory subjects. Half of these are related to energetics, while the rest is based on the field of (bio) mechatronics: control of rotation of robotics and electric motors, measurement of indoors light levels of a biologically inspired passive house with remote controlled building energetics, and remote control of “household robots”. We succeeded in developing and testing multifaceted, interactive measuring stations which can be used mutually and are compatible with industrial needs. With our system students can easily find an ideal time frame in which they can conduct the online measurements. They do not need to leave their home, they can make the measurements by logging in through the internet and finishing the required tasks in a given time, and writing and uploading a measurement report. They can monitor the process of their program and the behaviour of the measured object through the video feed of the laboratory camera, while the values of the measuring instruments are displayed in a digitized form.
Summary of bilateral results
The University’s technical/professional contribution to the project is completely adequate. The participant uses the e-laboratories in its BSc/MSc education. The University participated in the implementation of the following tasks: Testing and implementing of the educational supporting system, Development of the particular internet based measurements (3rd -14th e-laboratories), Specification of the internet measurements for the selected subjects, Organisation of the closing conference. The activities of the participant are detailed in the sections of the specific products. The BME coordinated and implemented the making of all the reports. The University’s technical/professional contribution to the project is completely adequate. The participant effectively contributed to the project with its educational expertise and up-to-date infrastructure. The participant utilizes the e-laboratories in its BSc/MSc education. The University participated in the implementation of the following tasks: Programming and implementing of the educational supporting system (the Moodle server is based here), Development of the particular internet based measurements (PMSM e-laboratory), Specification of the internet measurements for the selected subjects. The activities of the participant are detailed in the sections of the specific products. The Partner’s technical/professional contribution to the project is completely adequate. The Partner participated in the implementation of the following task: Testing and confirming of the implemented measurements according to the industrial requirements. Development of the particular internet based measurements (1-2+16th measurement). The activities of the participant are detailed in the sections of the specific products. The Energy Agency Public Non-profit Ltd. possesses a biologically inspired passive house in which the energetics-related 1, 2 and 15 measurements were implemented. Furthermore, due to its extensive experiences with proposals, the agency assumed the tasks of the supervision of project management, the control of energetics e-laboratories and also the testing of the implemented e-laboratories.