The Project Promoter for this project is the Foundation for Museum’s Friends which with this project aims to facilitate Roma and non-Roma intercultural dialogue in North-Bacska region and to involve the underprivileged regions and underprivileged target groups during the implementation of this project and to adapt and spread best practices through regular, frequent and long-running implementation of artistic programmes and cultural events organized mostly for the younger generation. Its partners are Csácsé Rom Roma Cultural Society and the Chance Society of South Bacska. The target groups are the underprivileged region and underprivileged inhabitants of Baja Small Region, primarily the young people of elementary schools and their social core: family, school and friends. The project will result in: - the creation of 17 kinds of cultural objects - the organisation of 29 cultural events, programmes - a total number of 248 occasions for learning - the creation of 2 new communication platforms for knowledge sharing - a total of 296 activities organized for promoting cultural diversity in the region - involvement of 41 artists, educators taking part in the regular programmes A huge amount of voluntary work will help the successful implementation of the project.
Summary of project results
The purpose of the Color Mixing Programme was to implement regular art programs organized for disadvantaged young people in North Bácska, thus deepening and consolidating intercultural dialogue between Roma and non-Roma communities. The color mixing sessions took place in three settlements: Baja, Szeremlje and Sükösd, on the occasion of professional excursions by touching the cities of Budapest, Pécs, Gara and Dávod. The project was designed for young people with diverse artistic activities in the following areas: Roma art and culture, graphic arts and painting, sculpture, archaic photography, wood carving, handicrafts (leather preparation, claying, chasing, basket weaving), folk dance, drama circle, tale therapy, outdoor and indoor environment (folk playhouse and self-knowledge), media circle. The series of programmes took place at seven locations, involving over 400 children. From the works created during the sessions, the project promoter organized a closing exhibition and lecture where children having participated at folk dance and dramatic circles presented an amazing show. Paintings, graphics, etchings, prints, historical figures and Catholic Saints depicted in the project implementation, pictures of the photography circle, a copy of the ceramic relief, handcrafted portraits were exhibited in the István Nagy Gallery at the closing event. At the exhibition, many local and rural schoolchildren could admire the children's creations and take part in museum lessons targeting the acceptance of diversity, the common language of the various branches of arts, and the fact that segregation and discrimination do not lead anywhere.
Summary of bilateral results