Project facts

Project promoter:
Zala Country Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 126,844
The project is carried out in:


The project focuses on raising public awareness on and promoting the genre of jazz music and the performers’ work. During the project – by bilateral, international cooperation – the project would like to expand the knowledge and stimulate a better image of jazz music by providing means for the cooperation partners leading to the sharing of knowledge on their cultural backgrounds and their abilities in this area. This sharing of experience can contribute to accelerated learning between those involved in the project and in long term to greater awareness within their respective countries. This genre and its further forms (modern jazz, smooth jazz, soul jazz etc.) have been present in Hungary since the mid-1990s and thanks to their continuously growing role and diversity, several jazz formations, radio stations, brands have been established so far. Kjell Kalleklev Management AS (Norway) is the donor project partner in this cooperation. During the project the aim is for the partners to develop a common "JazzPlatform", to organise a workshop, organising concerts and developing an album.

Summary of project results

The project CBJAZZ implemented by Hungarian and Norwegian organisations focused on the introduction and promotion of the jazz art and the work of jazz performers. The most important achievement of the Hungarian-Norwegian music partnership was that jazz genre was made widely accessible to the public reaching more than 20,000 target persons thanks partly to the concerts held in Hungary and Norway, and partly to the unique music education course which students, amateur and professional jazz musicians from all over the country attended. The number of the professional persons involved was 17. The travel to Norway aimed at creating a jazz music platform, negotiating professional issues with the project partner and artists. In Bergen, Norway, two concerts were held on March 11 and April 1, and in Oslo on March 10 and March 31. During the bilateral cooperation, the image of jazz style has been raised to a higher level. Zala County Development Nonprofit Ltd. with its Norwegian project partner jointly established a common professional jazz platform, a music CD was released under Norwegian-Hungarian co-production, and three video clips were made. Records taken of street music have been used to make the video clips. All results of the project are available on the project's official website (http://cbjazz.omega-csoport.hu/), including the video clips .

Summary of bilateral results

In the period between 01.08.2016-31.10.2016, the project partnership was established, the form of involvement of the participating artists was finalized. The co-operations planned and implemented within the project have been modified, depending on which artists were able to fit the project into their annual program. 6 Hungarian artists + 1 external organizer and 8 Norwegian artists participated in the co-operation by the organizing activities of the project promoter and the Norwegian project partner. During the bilateral cooperation, the image of jazz style has been raised to a higher level. Zala County Development Nonprofit Ltd. with its Norwegian project partner jointly established a common professional jazz platform, a music CD was released under Norwegian-Hungarian co-production, and three video clips were made.