United women’s voice-equally audible?

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hungarian Women's Lobby
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 105,227
The project is carried out in:


The media is particularly important in social changes. Therefore this project focuses on the relation between women NGOs and the media. The project aims at strengthening the gender NGOs in communication with the media. We would like to achieve that women NGOs and the the media together create a gender sensitive media in Hungary. As a result of the project, an effective and active Gender Media Network will be created to maintain and monitor the media communication. The target groups of the projects: HWL's members, new organisations, journalists, editors, members of disadvantaged groups. With the W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland we will exchange networking and recruitment experience on our summer university. CIJ assists the media part of the project. In cooperation with the Norwegian Union of Journalists the methodological aspect of the changes of the Norwegian media will be presented. Through the partnership the organisations will share experiences, good practices and learning possibilities.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was twofold: to strengthen the communication of women’s rights NGOs and to sensitise the often gender-blind Hungarian media in the field of gender equality. Strategy-building and media/communication trainings were organised for NGOs. The capacity for media professionals were build by mentoring and scholarship programs for journalists. The ties with women’s rights NGOs and groups, and between women’s organizations and media professionals have been strengthened by the project in summer universities and insitututionalised by the monthly Gender Media Network events. Other activities served wider public awareness. The cooperation of Hungarian Women’s Lobby established in the project with the Center for Independent Journalism and the Chief Editor’s Forum will remain after the project end, similarly to the different project outputs (e.g. the translation of the Learning resource kit for gender-ethical jorunalism).

Summary of bilateral results

W.O.M.E.N. was the iceland partner of the Hungarian Women Lobby. They come to Hungary in 2014 and presented at the summer university made by Hungarian Women Lobby. Teh hungarian partner did not travel to Iceland durng this project. W.O.M.E.N is consist of migrants women in Iceland and deal with women empowerment in Iceland . Center for Independent Journalism Budapest was the hungarian partner of this project. They invited (Norsk Journalistlag) who was the other norvegian partner of this project. These partnerships had no continuation. But the hungarian organiosations had managed to get some good practices they used during the project.