Transition village Somogyvámos

Project facts

Project promoter:
Green Karma Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,639
The project is carried out in:


The eco-community of Krishna-valley is located in the outskirt of Somogyvámos village, Hungary. In the last 20 years the communities of this the village itself have interacted and influenced each other in many different ways. However, the ecological view and holistic perspective of life has not became present in the village. Thus, the project seeks to integrate the social, economic and environmental aspects into the local leadership by the means of trainings, community planning events and other community-based activities. As an exercise 3 mini project plans will be developed that can integrate the underprivileged local population into local activities. In addition, connections will be built up to other eco-villages, the Hungarian Transition Movement and other sustainability initiatives in order to get village people to the streams of eco-social innovations.

Summary of project results

The eco-community of Krishna-valley is located in the outskirt of Somogyvámos village. Though it has been interacting with the communities of the village in several ways in the last 20 years, the ecological and holistic approaches have not really spread in the village itself. Thus, the project aimed at the integratation of the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability into the local leadership by the means of trainings, community planning events and other community-based activities. That has been served by a community-based planning process that has resulted in the planning of 15 project plans, the development of the village's "transformation" strategy as well as a long-term strategy of a social cooperative; a six-step eco-lifestyle training; and the increased participation at the meetings of the village hall. In addition, links have been built with other communities of the transformation movement as well as many other sustainable initiatives in order to support the population of the village to get acquainted with current environmental and social innovations. Through regular meetings and programs (meetings, events) the project has also helped local people to proactively promote self-sustaining farming and have had a strong community-building aspect.

Summary of bilateral results