To-day-tomorrow, holistically for the healing of cancer patients and to help their relatives

Project facts

Project promoter:
Gouranga Society
Project Number:
Target groups
People with cancer
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,900
The project is carried out in:

More information


"There are more people dying of cancer in Hungary, than in the western countries, and in Bekes county this number is growing. The psychosocial help of both the patient and the relatives-friends is very important, the quality of life can lead to healing. On the moment there is no such help available yet in Bekes county, people who would like to take part of something like this, have to travel more than 100 kms, which is not affordable for most.The aim of the project is to create and maintain the psychosocial balance of the patients. We find it important to break down taboos and dissolve fears. We would like to organize group-meetings each week, where actual questions can be discussed, and invite an expert (oncologist, psychologist, dietetian) each month. We would organize excursions, where patients and doctors would get to know each other as people, without uniforms. We would like to consult on dietetic and life style, organize group therapies, and create a website."

Summary of project results

Besides health therapy it is hard to get any other therapeutic assistance for cancer patients, even if it is clearly demonstrated that self-help, and self-knowledge groups have a very beneficent impact on them. The project implementers provide three different group sessions (self-help group, self-knowledge group, a group for their relatives), which - after the group leader leaves - become self-help groups. They would like to deepen and maintain the results that are already been reached. Their plan is to create a Gouranga House, that can provide effective assistance for those who have cancer and their relatives and for other target groups as well. The objects of the project are all completed, the participants of the group sessions were satisfied, thes had a lot of people who were interested about the topic, the coorperating organizations promised common professional work in the future. The program's objective was to decrease the fear and the taboos about this disease, which was also completed.

Summary of bilateral results