Contemporary slavery is an existed phenomenon in Hungary, with estimated 34-38000 victims, manly women, girls.The objective is to expose the phenomenon of contemporary slavery to a larger public in Hungary. Prevention initiating expert forum; systematic educational activities, formal and non-formal, focusing on womens and childrens rights; campaigning and advocacy. The project will achieve that contemporary slavery is a recognized social problem by experts, front staff and larger public. The project will address the challenges through adaptation of teaching material on contemporary slavery Trainings for relevant NGO trainers and school teachers, Stakeholder forum for an effective prevention campaign, Short anonymous personal videos with victims using the digital storytelling method, Travelling exhibition involving photo journalists, Public awareness-raising campaign. NGOs, teachers, youth, victims, social workers, responsible bodies, reporters, wider public, will benefit from this. The partnership will be with International-Hungarian experts who work together on the adaptation of the education source.
Summary of project results
In Hungary about 30.000 people is affected by contemporary slavery. Yet, the majority knows very little about the social phenomena, and authorities cannot fight against perpetrators and protect victims effectively. The project aimed to facilitate professional cooperation and networking among the civil organisations and institutions involved in the protection and assistance of victims and prevention of crime in four countys of Hungary. A teacher’s manual was adapted to introduce the topic of modern day slavery in formal and nonformal education through teacher trainings and workshops held for hundreds of children and young adults. To raise general awareness, public events, flashmobs and exhibitions were organised to make slavery a topic in public discourse. Anthropolis is planning to keep working with the professional networks, organise teacher trainings to deliver knowledge about slavery to endangered youth, and to publish the handbook for the general public.
Summary of bilateral results