The support of the social supplement of children with canser disease

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tölösi Péter Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
People with cancer,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 4,190
The project is carried out in:


The objective of the project: decraeasing the social load of permanently ill children, children with canser and their families supporting the social work. Decraesing financial loads, insecurities surrendering with the help of the appropriate informattion and takeover administration. Direct target group: those children, youngsters and their families from the region of South Transdanubia who suffer from cancer and hematological diseases and treated at the Oncohematological Department of Pediatrics of Medical School of University of Pecs. The main activities of the project: creating compass information issue, family support, cooperating with the social system and charity organisatins to get more support

Summary of project results

"1. The Foundation aimed to offer special support by means of social work for families and children affected by oncological diseases. 2. The Foundation employs the social worker and finances the family home visits. 3. Relying on the social worker and the Compass brochure, the much needed help gets closer and easier to reach, thus helping the families have some free-time and energy that could be effectively invested in the healing procedure. Both proper care and information given the families in need could be easier attainable and localized by home visits, that arced functional bridges between the patient, family, doctor and provider institutes. 4. The program contributed to the comprehensive medical care of children who suffer from cancer or participate in rehabilitation. It has also played an essential role in aligning the medical team, the workers of the Foundation and the affected parents by ensuring a fast and straightforward way of information channeling and adopting a "common language". 5. The proposed goals and duties were fully obtained. (Social work with the families, home visits, editorial work considering the Compass brochure) 6. In the Pediatric Oncology Center in Pecs, on diagnosis In the Pediatric Oncology Care Unit following the active treatment At several events organized by the Foundation By distributing the Compass brochure 7. Funded by the Norwey Grants, involving active social work, the Foundation offers free help throughout the complex rehabilitation of families and their children afflicted with tumors. 8. It has been of no special relevance."

Summary of bilateral results