In Mosonszolnok (1800 citizens) the community is weak and only a few programs are organized. The village has no traditions, and there is no real convergent community. The main objective of the project is to organize an event titled ‘street race’ that would involve the employees of 3 civil organizations beside the project promoter and the local citizens. As the result of the project a better communication is expected between the involved civics thus more collaboration will be made. The project promoter aims to involve 30 people (active members/volunteers) to the organization, to make collaboration with 4 new organizations, to make 800 citizens to participate in the games, 8 big events to be organized. 9 new publishments, blog posts (50), 9 press will strengthen the project communication. It aims to organize an Easter picnic, local historical tour, street sports day, farewell drift and street party, August 20 events and Saint Crown building, fall harvest, jam tasting, and project closing event. Also a village carpet will be made. The target group includes the citizens of Mosonszolnok and other the participants of the street race.
Summary of project results
In Mosonszolnok (1800 citizens) the community is weak and only a few programs are organized. The village has no traditions, and there is no real convergent community. The main objective of the project was to organize an event titled ‘street competition 2015’ that would involve the employees of 3 civil organizations beside the project promoter and the local citizens. Several thematic community programs were organized related to the actual national holidays (e.g. foundation of the state), or seasons (harvest in autumn). Participants of the competition got tasks and they presented them on these community programs. For instance on Easter Monday there was a dance hall, egg-beauty competition and Eastern poems telling competition. The history and ethnography competition gave a lot of knowledge for inhabitants about their settlement, so they recognized common values, their relationships strengthened. Almost every event had around 100 participants, mainly local citizens. Through the programs the common values (traditions, games and objects) are revived and recognized. It can be said that the project achieved its aim as the relationship among citizens were strengthened, the community became more convergent. Many of them offered their help as volunteers, or supported the project promoter with donations.
Summary of bilateral results