The project enhance the use of circus in the work with disadvantage groups, also creates partnership with their organizations and institutions. By its particular magic and a huge impact on skill development circus is used efficiently in the project with regular and casual groups. Beside activities, there will be developed written documents: training thematic, presentations, conclusion on questionaries. Methods will be furtherly developed by cooperating with experts, and institutions, and greatly supported by the internal group. Beside the regular work at Heim Pál Children Psychiatry and with the roma community in Borsod, the project aims to have an impact on the professionals, so there will be trainings to give on methods of social circus. In order to give information and disseminate results presentations will be held at conferences and professional workshops of the social, educational and healthcare sector.Presence in the public and social media aims at the wider public.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to generate the wider use of circus in the work with disadvantage groups, also creates partnership with their organizations and institutions. By its particular magic and a huge impact on skill development circus is used in the project with regular and casual groups. Methods of the so-called 'social circus' were furtherly developed by expertises, cooperatations with experts, and institutions. Beside the regular work at Heim Pál Children Psychiatry and with the roma community in the area of Borsod, the project aims to have an impact on the professionals, so there will be trainings to give on methods of social circus. In order to give information and disseminate results presentations will be help at conferences and professional workshops of the social, educational and healthcare sector. Presence in the media aims at the wider public.
Summary of bilateral results