People First! Self-assertive programme of people living with disabilities.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Special Pécs for People With Disabilities Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 19,154
The project is carried out in:


The social acceptance for people with disabilities is low; they are often victims of discrimination because the society does not have proper knowledge and information about them. It is a problem that those who are concerned are not involved properly in decision-making processes and the employment rate of disabled people is very low. The objective is to bring closer disabled and healthy people by common activities thus their integration will be facilitated. It aims to develop the democratic operation of local communities, and conduce to strengthen equal chances. The project trains disabled, experimental professionals who will organize sensitizing groups with the help of healthy assistants. The organization will transfer experience for different governments, NGOs and communities who are interested in adopting the method and activities of this project. The project will achieve about 240 persons through 60 sensitizing groups, governments, public service providers, institutions and implementers of similar projects in Barany County.

Summary of project results

Social inclusion, social integration of people with disabilities is very weak in Hungary. There are many discriminative incidents announced in the media as well. People with disabilities, the concerned parties are not even involved into the affairs which affect their life, e.g. into awarness raising, or how to make public spaces more accessible. Low employment of people with disabilities is also an important problem in Hungary. These problems can be observed in rural settlements more complexly. The project aimed at building relationships among people with disabilities by sensitization, awareness raising programs. They applied two models, out of the “ordinary delegacy” method showed extremely efficient, as those who tried it, could examine their settlement with the eye of a handicapped person. Due to the processes of the project the local handicapped persons can be integrated into the life of a civic organization, they could do meaningful work. And the involved local inhabitants could talk about life with disabilities without tabus with handicapped persons, so they knowledge and experience have been improved in this respect. The project promoter could build new relationships and cooperation with rural organizations working for people with disabilities, and as the result of the awareness raising training more people got to know the opinion and situation of people with disabilities, and the viewpoints of accessibility and support of handicapped persons. They applied the “Nothing about us, without us” principle,and they channeled this message to approximately 500 people. They could involve staff of local-governments, public servants into the awareness raising programs, thus these officials could experience how accessible their settlement they serve. The project promoter set up a cohesive, professionally well prepared expert group consists of people with disabilities which will work after the closure of the project as well, and will dedicate its work for raising awareness of the majority, mainstream society to the problems of people with disabilities. The project promoter could successfully integrated people with disabilities into processes that can be concluded by them the most efficient way. The Association could develop new methods, and increased its visibility in the media through various appearances, and developed its capacities to be more innovative and proactive in its professional area, field.

Summary of bilateral results