Our stories are common – playback for reduction of prejudice

Project facts

Project promoter:
Perspectiva Nova Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 7,977
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed to reduce bias (ethnic and gender) of 18-25 year olds, with playback method. The storytelling theater sheds light on a problem from many perspectives, increase the viewers (who play active part) empathy and tolerance of others. The target group of the training are people learning/working in the field of humanities, who want to learn and apply the method of playback. The target group of the whole project is18-25 years old youngsters, who attend the University of Debrecen. The objective is organizing and maintaining playback training. Found a playback group. Four performance at the University of Debrecen, during the project. We will look at a closer cooperation between Perspectiva Nova Association and Endorfin Associaton, will be possible to work together in the future. Working with our existing partners and other NGOs and public schools to use playback to see/discuss a specific problem. The playback group will work together after this project, so we can reduce the bias of our target group.

Summary of project results

Biases are extremely strong in the Hungarian society. The aim of this project was to reduce these biases and discrimination (especially against Roma youth and women). The so called playback theatre is a storytelling theatre, which sheds light on a problem from many perspectives thus increase the viewers (who play active part) empathy and tolerance of others. The association taught people learning/working in the field of humanities, who wanted to learn and apply the method of playback. They gave four performances in Debrecen and in Nyíregyháza. They also established a playback group after the training which is working in long run. The study which examined the effectiveness of this project contains valuable information: it will be published in a well-known scientific journal, so many students, teachers and research can learn from it.

Summary of bilateral results