The project addresses the problem of dispersed activity of Down syndrome related organizations lacking common approach and strategy to promote education and integration of DS population. With the support of this project the Down Association (DA) will create a country-wide network of all organizations dealing with DS. The common experiences of the new network will enhance lobbying power to advocate more effectively for those with DS. Our aim is that the newly formed network will support those with DS to have full access to quality early development, and access to quality, integrative education. Our goal is to build a knowledge base, advocacy and strategy towards the decision makers and the majority society. The target group is organizations and informal groups working with DS. Key outputs will be a database of DS organizations, creation of network with DA as umbrella organization, development of common strategy, action plan and communication plan as a result of a series of workshops.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the problem of dispersed activity of Down syndrome (DS) related organisations lacking common approach and strategy to promote education and integration of DS population. With the support of this project the Down Association (DA) created a country-wide network of several organisations dealing with DS in order to support those with DS to have full access to quality early childhood development, and access to high-quality, integrative education. Key outputs were: database of DS organisations, creation of Down network, development of common strategy, action plan and communication plan through a series of workshops. Moreover, as a result of a close cooperation of the newly formed Down Network local miniprojects were organised, which projects the continuation of common initiatives to sustain the results achieved. As an impact we expect that the common experiences of the new network will enhance lobbying power to advocate more effectively for those with DS.
Summary of bilateral results