Nógrád Y for Future

Project facts

Project promoter:
Egyesek Youth Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 69,982
The project is carried out in:


The number of youth is permanently decreasing in Nógrád County. 30-50% graduates in secondary schools, only 15% of them get diploma and the rest of them are unemployed, inactive and depend on their families. 10% of the inhabitants are Roma who live mostly in villages. The educational system does not consider the needs of the age group and uses ineffective methods. The objective of the project is to adopt new methods that are flexible according to the learning styles, interests and specialties of individuals and groups. The competencies of participants will be developed, they will have suitable network and resources, and also they will be able to realize initiatives. The project aims to train the members of the organizations to be coaches, develop online training modules, realize campaigns and job shadowing programs. The participants will have the chance to realize initiations based on their own ideas. The project involves about 5000 youth from Balassagyarmat, Salgótarján and Szécsény subregion.

Summary of project results

The number of youth is permanently decreasing in Nógrád County. 30-50% graduates in secondary schools, only 15% of them get diploma and the rest of them are unemployed, inactive and depend on their families. 10% of the inhabitants are Roma who live mostly in villages. The educational system does not consider the needs of the age group and uses ineffective methods. The objective of the project was to adopt new methods that would be flexible according to the learning styles, interests and specialties of individuals and groups. The project promoter launched the program with 19 information days, they contacted to several civic organizations in Nógrád County via email, phone and they also personally met with local key figures e.g. a mayor and the leader of the Civic Information Center for Nógrád County. The organizations paid attention to develop itself thus members and colleagues took part in several trainings and conferences in order to develop their coaching skills. The project team made a questionnaire so the situation and needs of applicants were examined. Later on –considering the experiences of the project promoter – 4 online short films were published in themes of visual documentation and dissemination of project, international volunteering, fundraising and situation and resource analyzation with a recorder: https://goo.gl/I8ziYr Parallelly, a 10-day-long in residential training was organized in Alsótold where 13 youth participated. The training reflected to the previously measured needs of participants thus there were five key aspects: conscious learning, exploring personal patterns, cooperation and roles in groups, creative tools and outdoor training. 80 occasions were completed in the jobshadowing activity by 28 youth. After that the coaches mentored youth during the implementation of their own initiations – altogether 14. The group coaching events helped the youth in sharing experience, motivating each other and learnt how to collaborate. 60 participants representing 20 civic organizations participated in the closing conference where the project results were summarized.

Summary of bilateral results