Most of the youth have little information on the Jewish life that means their intolerance and prejudices are based on the lack of knowledge. Pedagogies do not use the possibilities of new technical equipment. The objective of the project is to promote the usage of competence based educating methods that use new technologies thus students become more interested also their aspects will positively change. Promotion of interactive education methods to present the Jewish history. The success of the participating teachers and youth will motivate other teachers to integrate such elements into their lesson plans. The Foundation develops its own education materials and holds seminars for teachers. The Foundation announces a video-competition (15 videos are expected) for secondary school pupils. Youngsters need to make interviews, do research work. There will be an event where students who actively took part in different programs of the organization and teachers who created the most interesting lesson plans will be awarded. 120 pedagogies targeted who took part in previous trainings or programs of the Foundation and their students (about 4000 youngsters).
Summary of project results
Most of the youth have little information on the Jewish life that means their intolerance and prejudices are based on the lack of knowledge. Pedagogies do not use the possibilities of new technical equipment thus the objective of the project was to promote the usage of competence based educating methods that use new technologies so students become more interested also their aspects will positively change. The aim was also to promote interactive education methods in presenting the Jewish history. The project promoter has own-developed educational material and in order to present them a 2-day-long interactive seminar was organized for 20 teachers. Participants’ educational equipment was enlarged, based on that they prepared new lesson plans and some of them also took part in video-making workshops. A video competition was launched in which 14 application were received. Beside the videos, applicants could realize small projects e.g. interview with a survivor, cemetery maintenance, own exhibition or local history research. The project promoter ensured continuous consultation possibility: applicant groups participated in preparing workshops and were given recommendations if needed. After assessing the works, a closing event was organized in which the results were announced and outstanding works were awarded. Pupils, teachers, parents and other guests – altogether 120 people visited the event. Pupils participated in the project were part of an experience-based learning progress which allowed them to use their creativity, and according to their teachers’ new methods they learnt about the Jewish history –including the holocaust- from different aspects.
Summary of bilateral results