The rehabilitation of sexually abused children in alternative care is unresolved. The accessibility of services and their quality are aleatory. But it is well-known that untreated trauma can easily lead to re-victimization. The aim of the project is to offer services that reflect on children's needs by internal and external capacity building, to sustainably expand the framework of special services for children victims of sexual abuse by involving external experts in the treatment of sexual abuse, and by offering trainings, counseling, supervision and case management for care professionals. The target group of the project are children and youth in alternative care, victims of sexual abuse, care professionals and local service providers. Relations need to be coordinated within SOS and with other local care providers and professionals. Through the communication of the project we will involve other communities in contact with abuse and offer them information on signs and possible treatments of sexual abuse
Summary of project results
The rehabilitation of sexually abused children in alternative care is unresolved, and the accessibility and the quality of services are aleatory. Under the framework of the project care professionals, experts are prepared to provide services for children victims, thus the framework of special services for children victims of sexual abuse is expanded. The main objective was to offer service that reflects on children’s needs by internal and external capacity building, and after the project closure the rehabilitation of sexually abused children in alternative care were solved in 3 locations, 231 experts were involved, and 97 children victims received services. Thanks to the project SOS Hungary became a stronger advocate on children’s rights, they created partnership with other organisations working with sexually abused children. The awareness of social care professionals working with children and youth is raised.
Summary of bilateral results