Lysistrate Art Project at Zsámbék Military Base

Project facts

Project promoter:
Zsambek-basin Tourism Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 18,951
The project is carried out in:

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We organize a thematic female art action program at elderly military base which symbolizes masculine power and our aim is to feminine place and by this way we make it more comfortable and more equal for the creators and audience. We show the woman-face of the surrounding antidemocratic tendencies and actual civil wars. We provide alternatives for micro communities for women to exercise pressure on power by way of shaping consciousness and creating alliances. We would like to make it clear that social reconciliation is not only a matter of women. We announce the occupation of the Base by women including special groups (Roma, German, migrants) thereof in the spirit of the Greek drama & Lysistrate. We implement the programme with local civil groups, amateur art groups, resident artists, using both experimental and traditional methods. As a result the military base will be feminized.

Summary of project results

They organized a thematic female art action program at elderly military base which symbolizes masculine power and their aim was to feminise the place and by this way they made it more comfortable and more equal for the creators and audience. They showed the woman-face of the surrounding antidemocratic tendencies and actual civil wars. They provided alternatives for microcommunities for women to exercise preassure on power by way of shaping consciousness and creating alliances. They wanted to make it clear that social reconciliation is not only a matter of women. They announced the occupation of the Base by women including special groups (roma, german, migrants) thereof in the spirit of the Greek drama Lysistrate. They implemented the programme with local civil groups, amataur art groups, resident artists, using both experimental and traditional methods. As a result the military Base was be feminised.

Summary of bilateral results