Is this freedom yet? - First free days after release on ex-prisoners’ pictures

Project facts

Project promoter:
Speak Out! - Association to Give Voice to the Voiceless
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 8,460
The project is carried out in:


The problems of released prisoners are invisible for the rest of the society. These challenges aggravate to meet the expectations of society: to become a law-abiding citizen. Housing, reintegration, finding a job is also a challenge when facing the lack of social support. The project goal is a more open attitude towards inmates, decreasing fear of the unknown through personal conversations. Activities are: selecting the released prisoners fot the project, photo-workshops for the participants, designing and implementing the media campaign, designing and implementing the photo exhibition together with the released prisoners. As a result of the project released inmates' self-esteem grows. Visitors of the exhibitions have an unexpected, mind-opening experience. Media appearances stimulate social discourse about (released) inmates. Released prisoners start to have a sense of being an integral, important and valuable part of society. Visitors' stereotypes are challenged, later prejudice towards prisoners decrease. In long term, the acceptance of released inmates becomes more and more general. Project targets directly released inmates and indirectly visitors of the exhibitions. More generally those 18000 inmates who are in prison at the moment are also concerned, and also are those civilians reached by media. There will be cooperation with lately released prisoners as participants, photographers as professional mentors, NGOs, local and national newspapers, radios and news portals for the promotion of the project, with galleries, cultural and educational institutions as venues of the exhibitions.

Summary of project results

The problems of released prisoners are invisible for the society, which aggravates for them to become a law-abiding citizen. Housing, the lack of social network and finding a job are challanging when facing the lack of social support. With further exhibitions organized. A more open attitude towards inmates and decreasing fear(based on experience when meeting in person). Mentoring ex-prisoners. Growth of self-esteem among mentorees, raised awareness on the issue. stimulate social discourse about (released) inmates. Photo workshops, 9 exhibitions Photo training, presenting their photos at exhibitions Awareness raised on the issue, opportunities for civilians to meet with ex-inmates, a new tool of self-expression and new skills given to mentorees

Summary of bilateral results