We aim to utilize our resources and know-how: by holding eco-household training to spread the idea of green living and by insulating 25 flats to facilitate economical, sustainable households by cutting their energy bills. We would like to co-operate with organizations with a different professioinal background (e.g. the Hungarian Network Against Poverty) to help families in poverty. We would like to facilitate the spread of instruments which helps to improve their own situation with sustainable techniques. We shall realize an energy saving of 15% which shall create a demand to try our other sustainable methods. We expect this project to create a long-term co-operation in the civil society and to mobilize our volunteers. We communicate the disciplines of solidarity and sustainable living. HNAP helps to reach our target group (families living in Budapest, Miskolc, Pécs and Szeged with a difficulty to heat in wintertime).
Summary of project results
The Ecoservice Foundation has been promoting the insulation of doors and windows already for many years providing tools and methods for the public. In this project, cooperating with the local activists of the Hungarian Anti-Poverty Network, a total of 103 windows and 20 doors of 25 households living in permanent poverty and within poor housing conditions in 4 different cities of Hungary. The action has contributed to the reduction of problems associated with housing poverty. Prior to the isolation actions, members of households were trained in "eco-household" training in order to build up capacities for a more economical housekeeping. During the implementation, a fundraising campaign was also carried out for the extension and/or continuation of the project. As a result, additional 10 households could have been insulated following the project period.
Summary of bilateral results