The key element of functioning of every democratic society that its members take active role in shaping public affairs. Comparative results of active citizenship indicators for Hungary are left behind by Western Europe and by other countries in CEE region. The main objective of project is to strengthen active citizenship. First immediate goal is to create a more liveable, cleaner living environment, second one is to raise awareness of responsible authorities and to increase their performance. Project contributes to the strengthening of democracy and acceptance of democratic values. Due to project's activities the functioning of state institutions become more transparent and more predictable. The idea of good governance grows and its practices become more common. Involving citizens make them aware that there is opportunity to shape their own destiny and protect their interests thus confidence in democratic institutions and commitment to democratic values will also grow.
Summary of project results
By establishing a country wide online platform where everyone can report problems that fall within the competence of local governments, this project's main goal has been to facilitate communication between citizens and their local governments as well as to make our surroundings more pleasant and tidy. With this website up and running along with a detailed and exhaustive database of state institutions responsible for public spaces, the project will be sustained by Prospect Foundation with the help of its volunteers. The project aimed to tackle 250 issues in public spaces around the country and help 500 citizens - during the project period 259 issues were solved and 1019 people were assisted. So far, Prospect Foundation built flourishing relationships with 28 different public institutions and has a blooming community of users and followers both on the project website and on social media.
Summary of bilateral results