The main activity of the Shelter Foundation (SF) is providing for the needs of the homeless and creating equal opportunities for them. However, two decades later, in view of new regulations, SF need to ask itself whether the services and other activities are able to build a social environment which accepts the homeless. The aim is to reduce the disadvantages caused by worsening legal situation and discrimination. SF has to develop other NGOs and informal communities to achieve the goal. The decade long experiences of SF projects which provide legal protection and aim at decreasing prejudices are being implemented in daily work and communication strategy. SF prepares the personnel of the homeless care system to influence decision making and cope with circumstances that may be created by the expected legal changes regulating the usage of public spaces by the homeless. Conveying information to the public SF offers personal experience to promote an understanding of their life stories.
Summary of project results
3E project promoted equal opportunities of homeless people against legal disadvantages and also those prejudices people hold against them. The objective was to make and keep homeless people informed about their legal rights, and to involve them into sensitizing programs, where they can personally introduce to the public. 3E method benefits their trusting to themselves and to the world, which is a huge step to become sheltered and live with dignity. During this project 750 homeless people personally joined the program: involved in legal training and advising programs; recruited and trained to present sensitizing programs; and assisted in donor partners' programs. The project reached more than 5000 members of the population with sensitizing programs and 10 000 through printed and online media. 3E method was shared with donor partners in Hungary, and these activities, with the beneficial participation of homeless people, will continue by partners and within Shelter Foundation.
Summary of bilateral results