The play bearing the title “Corruption” presents one of the most sensitive and most serious social problems of today’s day and age. The production uses forum theatre instruments that gives audience an experience and allows them to enter to the production. The dynamic line of action evolving offers young people (special attention on rural areas) the opportunity to feel that they themselves decide their own destiny. The performance and “de-briefing” discussion after, finding civil society organisations and “local people”, promoting their cooperation opens up new horizons by embarking from a special artistic production. Students from universities in the countryside will spread word about experiences similar to this. Civil self-consciousness can be fathomed, active engagement develops and social responsibility will increase. Our goal is for both the individual and civil society to be able to turn to society with a demand for accountability.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to take the issue of corruption closer to young people. The focus was on the introduction of a theatre production entitled “Corruption” in the countryside with connected discussion forums involving young people at countryside universities with an online communication campaign. Out of the 6 shows and discussion forums finally 1-1 was introduced in the city of Pécs in November 2013. The show’s costs took up the 40% of the grant, so the project promoter and its partner realized that the planned 6 plays and discussion forums cannot be covered from the available total budget, a maximum of “nearly” 3 country side programs could have had only be realistically implemented instead of 6. Finally the project promoter was carrying out the preparatory works for another 3 theatre plays in the cities of Miskolc (originally planned 2 plays), Szeged (2 plays) and Debrecen (1 play), parallel to this rehearsals were running. But pulling together the countryside shows after the closing of the theatre year in May/June was difficult as theatres were closed. They were visiting Miskolc in August and September, 2014 several times in order to better determine and clarify the local corruption related issues, to assess problems to serve the basis for the discussion forums. These preparatory trips and discussions in Miskolc were also recorded: helps them to discover and reflect on these local issues to advocate for by local CSOs. They were planning to organize 2 plays in Miskolc in November, 2014. These plays would had been already redesigned upon the experience of the first play in Pécs, a more simplified version would had been introduced.
Summary of bilateral results