Communal Creative Garden in Újlipótváros

Project facts

Project promoter:
Komp Complex Creative Arttheraphy Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 13,897
The project is carried out in:

More information


The local government does not want to consider the needs and plans of the local society. The collaboration between communities and organizations needs to be strengthened. The inhabitants has in many ways lost their interests and enthusiasm toward voluntary activities. The objective of the project is to develop a community-central cooperation model in which the local community takes an active part of forming and maintaining a sustainable social-environmental surrounding. It aims to realize a community centrum and garden in the Northern part of Újlipótváros. We will initiate a new sort of dialogue between the local society and government thus the democratic processes will be stronger. The organization will achieve its aims trough trainings (advocacy and communication), several creative and cultural programs, flash mobs, legal counseling and community gardening. The target group consists of decision-makers, actors of civic organizations and local inhabitants.

Summary of project results

The community of Újlipótváros wanted to design and create a community-focused cooperation model in which the local community can undertake an active role to set up the conditions of a sustainable social and natural environment. They wanted to create a community centre and a community garden. The main objective of the project was to utilize the building of the ex-kindergarten in the district as a community space. Unfortunately the community couldn’t reach this objective as the local-government was not supportive and sold the property. The implementers were successful in addressing and mobilizing the local community members for these purposes but they were not successful in convincing the local decision makers to support their plans. The project promoter conformed to this situation and relocated the focus and activities of the project to the activization of local community. As a result of this process they launched community gardening on the top of the local school building. Due to this process an active core of local community members have been formed and their advocacy kinds of activities, efforts were very efficient; as the opinion, interests of the local community had been formed, articulated and became part of the public discourse in the neighbourhood. The project promoter improved a lot as well, as they did not participate in similar processes earlier, so they also learnt, got to know these applied methods, practices. The project had a relevant impact on the community as thanks to the community events the local community became more conscious and active. The Association could also contribute to the objective as bringing closer the nature, environment to locals as well, and they helped local women in solving everyday (family, community) problems as well. The project promoter built good relationship with other civic organizations in order to get to know each other’s activities and to build coalitions and collaborations to increase the cohesion and consciousness of the local community in the neighbourhood.

Summary of bilateral results