Nowadays a very current issue in Hungary is the situation and integration of immigrants and minorities. The project draws attention to the fact that discrimination is a real social problem. The objective of the project is the adaptation and implementation of an intercultural education methodology to the domestic situation that has already been applied abroad. The project will contribute to the future reduction of social inequalities and discrimination through shaping the viewpoints of high school students. The main activities of the project are: Adaptation and development of the methodology, visiting tours in four schools. Approximately 2200-2500 students will take part in the programs. The number of the volunteers of the organization will be increased by 30 people as the result of the project. The applicant organization will use the prepared methodology in the future making it available for the students participating in the program.
Summary of project results
The project promoter realized that Hungarians do need to learn and understand more about social intolerance, discrimination and prejudices. The main objective of the project was the adaption and implementation of an intercultural education methodology (‘Coloured Glasses’). Norwegian volunteers shared their experiences and trained the local volunteers in a camp. The methodological handbook was translated. 21 trained volunteers held workshops like irregular classes in 16 schools in Budapest and in 63 schools on the countryside. Altogether about 1300 students participated (15-25persons/workshop). An evaluation camp closed the project. Participants evaluated the gained experiences and discussed the continuation, and they started to elaborate 3 new methods. The organization will keep its relationship with schools alive, and it will also look for new communities, organizations and institutions.
Summary of bilateral results