"Basic goal is to elaborate a multidisciplinary service protocol for small children with eating disorders based on the model of Early Intervention Centre Budapest. Besides children with disabilities of different origin target groups include professionals for whom a basic course is to be held in three regions on the subject that is missing from the gradual curriculum of universities. Outcomes are published at conferences and relevant journals while a website is launched for providing information both for parents and professionals. Involving parent associations will help to keep clients’ view in mind when planning the courses and the website and they cooperate in workhops for specific groups of clients. Based on the model rising from the teamwork of educational, health professionals and parents eating therapies become part of the basic services and the topic is included in the syllabus of related universities thus supporting one of the basic needs of man even in the case of disabilities."
Summary of project results
However out of 100 children 3 are seriously affected by eating, swallowing and chewing difficulties the problem has not been sufficiently present neither in services nor in vocational trainings. Basic goal of the project was to improve qualitative and quantitative standards of services for children with disabilities of different origin. To achieve this goal with cooperation between educational and health care professionals the organisation has developed a servicing protocol, on the basis of which it has started to provide services for stakeholders. Having devised an accredited course for professionals has opened the door to founding interdisciplinary therapeutical teams throughout the country improving the well-being of further families. The programme characterics imply involving parents due to the tight relationship via parent organizations who helped organising parent events and launching website on eating and feeding therapy (
Summary of bilateral results