Adopt a class!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Para-fitt Sport Club
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 6,346
The project is carried out in:


The mentally ill people represent the largest handicapped population in Hungary but they are the most invisible members of the society. They do not meet people in general and this can be a reason for the population to mix them up with psychiatric patients and afraid of them. The main objective of the project is to implement a program series for mentally ill people fostering their integration and acceptance to the society. The objectives will be achieved by organizing 10 programs involving a group of contemporary youth (disadvantaged high school students) going treks, to museums and theatre together with the handicapped children. Shoot a film of all events and create a movie for the wide public and organize screening with moderator afterwards. Direct group: 20-20 handicapped and disadvantaged students (age 14-18). Indirect group: audience in the cinema (200 people); 1000 people via community portals.

Summary of project results

People who live with mental disabilities face lots of discrimination. The project included two groups of secondary school students: mentally health students and students who live with mental disabilities. The students got to know each other and participated in several community programs that contributed to their social integration. The main objective of the project was to minimize the prejudices towards the disadvantaged youth and to increase tolerance and ensure equal opportunities. After the programs lots of participants told that they would like to be mentors in similar projects. Real community was built, participants keep contact. Interview was completed, and its result shows that prejudices were decreased. At the beginning of the project 25 high school students were involved. The project promoter published reports about education, culture and social problems. The organization made a summarizing film about the programs; so far more than 700 people saw the video.

Summary of bilateral results