Academy for the village

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for the Civic Renewal of Szirák
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 5,313
The project is carried out in:


Szirak has 1200 inhabitants of which more than 50% are Roma. Unemployment is very high. The aim of the project is to support the communal development of Szirak with the help of students and teachers from Corvinus Uni of Budapest. They develop a training program that will further horticultural knowledge, entrepreneurial skills and self-esteem of participants (50 participants, 1 booklet for dissemination to participants and to other civil organizations). The ultimate goal is to imbue participants with enough professional and personal confidence to start household farming and mushroom cultivation. They will also carry out comprehensive community open space planning (1 plan). Based on these studies, the village council and civil organizations will be able to submit grant applications (1 grant appl.) to turn the plans into reality. The target group consists of economically disadvantaged adults of both Roma and non-Roma descent and pupils of the local school’s agricultural education program.

Summary of project results

The project takes place in Szirak that has 1200 inhabitants and more than 50% of them are Roma inhabitants, the rate of unemployment is very high. The achievements that are earned during the project seem to be sustainable, financially the growing of the oyster mushrooms will support the community, the new network of NGOs and the new members provide sustainability. The main objective of the project was the development of community life in Szirák that was successfully achieved through community activities. The project gave perspective and fresh energy to the foundation. The reputation of the foundation increased not only in Szirák, but in the surrounding settlements too. The self-esteem of the community increased, the understanding each other was improved in the village. An issue were edited about growing vegetables, members participated in a vegetable and mushroom growing course, every participants’ exam was successful. The beneficiaries were involved in the courses and in other relevant activities. Many inhabitants of Szirák knows the work of the Foundation now, and the people are willing to support them.

Summary of bilateral results