„Action!” – Together behind and infront of the camera

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kid's Eye Art Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,840
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project aims are to disperse the traumas of children living in foster homes and to improve their ability to cooperate with others. The long-term objective of the project is to enable children to find their place in adult life and to help their integration within society. During the project 15 teamwork documentaries and 15 fictionalized short films will be produced on tolerance, based on the participating children's experiences. The location will be provided by two Budapest based and one non-Budapest based foster homes, meetings will be on a weekly basis. Work will be assisted by group leaders: film industry professionals, teachers and psychologists. The direct target audience of the project is the group of 30 children who participate in the film-making process, the indirect target audience - cc. 500 people - are first of all those children who are involved in the process; family members, friends, school mates, teachers, instructors and visitors of our children film festivals.

Summary of project results

Children who live without family in childcare institutions have not got enough visual feedback about themselves thus it happens that they have a fake or deformed self-image. The main objective of the project helped to process the children’s traumas, to ease their life and further job-seeking, and made them be creative and tolerant. During the project 3 filmmaking courses were organized in order to help children to fight against social exclusion. During the courses 35 children worked together in integrated groups: roma and non-roma children who live in childcare institutions or with families. 5 fiction films and 5 process films were made on each course. These films gave practical solutions to decrease aggression, hospitalization and revenge. Participants’ creativity, self-esteem, communication, cooperation and task orientation improved, also they became more tolerant. These experiences have an impact in conflict management, self-knowledge and in learning.

Summary of bilateral results