“My country”

Project facts

Project promoter:
Küklopsz Association of Art and Film
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 1,548
The project is carried out in:

More information


In Hungary it is a problem that people do not speak up for their own interests and future. The main objective of the project is to draw the attention to the importance of the role of youth in public life especially in self-organizing and advocacy. The project aims to achieve the active participation of communities and non-governmental organizations in the decision-making processes and awareness rising of social problems. The civil society and communication between the organizations are expected to strengthen thus the project will contribute to the development of justice and democracy. The attitude of the students will change thus they will have more interest in advocacy issues. Drama activates and readers’ theatre will be organized. During the programs the participants will hear not only speeches but they also can have a debate in which youth work in groups and confront their different views. Volunteers will make a short video about the project; a questionnaire will be made to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the project. Experience of the project will be shared with NGOs and communities. The target group includes 18-26 years old students (500-1000).

Summary of project results

Hungarian people do not speak up for their own interest and future – that was the problem that the project promoter wanted to reflect. The aim of the project was to draw attention to the importance of public participation of youth especially in the fields of advocacy and self-organization. Playful drama workshops and reader theatrical events were elaborated which attracted the attention of youth. Participating youngsters could choose from three, Hungarian historical topics: Revolution and war of independence of 1848; Revolution of 1956 and the regime change in 1989. In groups the participants had to advocate and in order to do that they were enforced to express themselves in different situations. These workshops gave platform and the possibility for youth to make their own opinion about the topics, and they could influence the talks with their comments. A short video was made after the project which popularizes the project among university and college students. The project promoter expected more participants during the project, but they are not disappointed as some of the former participants became volunteers at the association. Moreover, the elaborated workshops and reader theatrical events are going on.

Summary of bilateral results